Friday, March 6, 2009

Great Expectations

Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil.
(1707 - 1754) Henry Fielding

Agree of disagree with this statement and give at least 3 reasons to support your opinion. Avoid personal and attempt to convince an audience without using “I” and “My”.


Unknown said...

"Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil" is true. If people let their desire for money take over their minds, they can easily become selfish and greedy. Desiring money also keeps people from following their values. Having money as the God of life does bring the devil. People stop spending time with their loved ones, and become obsessed with working to gain more money. Once they get the money, they become obsessed with spending it, or hoarding it. Sometimes, they increase their addictions to drugs by using the money thhey get to buy drugs. HAving money in life is necessary, but having too much usually turns against people. Money is an interesting thing that can really mess with the minds of people. It can create classes within society. It can make people richer and snobbier, or poorer and beggars. Money also can make people feel that they have more power over others. Money in moderation is fine, but too much money brings the devil.

ChennyBritt said...

Henry Fielding’s statement is true in many regards. “Make money your God and it will plague you like a devil.” Money is the devil in a lot of ways. People attack and kill each other for money. Every day, crimes are committed because of money problems. Drug dealers sell drugs for money while others commit crimes like robbery and smuggling are all done for money. Gangs are formed on the base of having more money and gangs commit crimes to try to have more money. Greed is a horrible thing that plagues humans as soon as they experience money and have a want for it. Money is also a bad thing because it causes people to think that they are better or more powerful than others. Those with more money can afford fancier things, and believe that they are a higher class person than someone without much money. The term “snob” is used to describe this kind of person. Money separates people and makes equally good people unequal. It’s ridiculous. If a person becomes too involved and obsessed with money, they may lose their values. Humans will start caring more about money than their own family’s love. People will abandon their health and fun to try to get rich. The true meaning of family and love is lost when people are out pursuing money.

Danielle Gervais said...

This quote proves true for numerous reasons. For example Ebenezer Scrooge from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens was a greedy old miser and was selfish. He cared for nothing but his money, and ended up suffering for it later on in life. Another reason is because if you become so obsessed with your money you may lose your morals or your common sense. For example if you fire one of your workers because they demand for a pay raise that they well deserve because of your ignorance, you have lost your morality. Another reason is because it can commit you to a life of crime. You may have this insane desire for money you could be willing to obtain large sums of it illegally. Therefore, Henry Fielding’s statement “Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil” holds a level of truth.

Unknown said...

" Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil" is an interesting statement. Money, if worshiped and lusted, makes you evil is agreeable. Although humans made money, therefore evil was made by evil. Even though people say that money is evil and not needed, where could you go without it? You need money to get things, and what if its just exchanging? Then everything we do is evil. That means we are always forever more evil and I disagree with that. That means I disagree with the quote.

Luke D said...

This statement is absolutely true. If you make money your god, or if you worship money, you have done on of the worst things that can be done by a person. If money becomes a person's best friend, their god, then they can think of nothing other than it, they know nothing else. When you worship a god, the person's life revolves around it. This is what would happen if one worshipped money. It is easy to become money-obsessed, to become a penny-pincher. Scrooge is the perfect example. He had no friends, he was alone, except for his money. However that is all that he needed, he was 'happy' with it. He had spent his life earning and saving up all of this money, and he couldn't bear giving it away. Another example is gambling. Gamblers idolize money, it is their goal to get as much of it as possible. Losing their friends and family to gambling doesn't phase them at all. Last of all, making money your god can ruin more than just your life. Look at our current economical situation. It was caused because people made the wrong choices, and put money above other, more important things.

claremorris said...

“Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil." Henry Fielding’s quote is true. When people start making money and stop caring about their surroundings they misinterpret what good and evil is. People start to think that money is everything when it isn’t. Money is an object that just helps us organize our lives but if people start worshiping it as a God they lose sight of being a good person. Making money a God also causes people to only care, and worry about one thing, their own lives. When a person only cares about their own well-being they start to act like the devil and our morals and teachings we were taught mean nothing any more. Money becoming a good also means we become greedy. When we are greedy we tend to want everything. When people who have money and worship it as a God start wanting more than enough of a substance other people who don’t worship money as a God and don’t have the money to even by that substance are left out in the cold. Making Money is fine but when you start worshiping it that’s when money can lead you to the devil.

Diwesh Poudyal said...

The quote from Henry Fielding is very true. Money is what everyone lives on, its something everyone needs. Without a system of money, the world would not function. However, worshipping money does not lead to a better life. The obsession for money can escalate to a point where it will plague you like the devil. The base of many crimes end up being related to the want of money. Thinking too much about money can ruin one's judgement. Murder, kidnapping, and robberies usually involve money. Most people know that murder, kidnapping, and robbery is wrong but the money in thier head tells them otherwise. Not to mention, money is something a person can never have enough of. After a person has all the money in the world, they just want more. Money brings out a human quality that can not only ruin a person but the people around them. That quality is greed, and greed plays around with love and ruins relationships. Beware:"Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil"

Derek R said...

The statement "Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil" is completely false. There are many people in the world who are wealthy and value their money at the highest possible being, but yet there lives go on without corruption of any kind. It is not the desire for money that may distort the values of humans but it is technique in which this desire is pursued. As long as one follows the morals they entrust, nothing will be lost but there will be plenty they can gain from an economic standpoint. Although the will to gain wealth usually is strong and may overwhelm, as long as you find interest in other objectives such as family and/or love. Desires of great wealth may exist clean of the devil as long as the one who desires it maintains a strong conscience in his efforts to gain money.

Ayumi Yoshida said...

I agree with the statement; "Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil." Humans are selfish creatures. They always defend themselves at the end. So if one was to make money their most important thing, they will put down others for that goal. Even their closest family or friend may be excluded for the money. Another reason is once you lose all the money after you had been cruel to the others, no one will be on your side. Some may take revenge from all the pain given to them. The final reason is that if money was one's priority, they will forget love for others. Even if a person is poor and lacks freedom, if there is someone that cares for them and loves them they will have faith for happiness in their future. True love is the only thing money can not buy in this world. So if one was to lose that what will be left for them?

scone said...

"Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil.- Henry Fielding" is neither truth nor reality. This is something said by the super spiritual, and people with blind faith. Money is not a devil, yes it does haunt some people while it blesses others, but money is an object no more no less. It may be very important, and even a key to survival but in no way does it become a devil. Yes, there are some things that money cannot buy (love, true happiness) but there it does provide one key benefit, options. Money means options, if you are wealthy that means you can have a good job selection, a nice house, comfortable living conditions, and things that will make you happy. Although these things are not everything in life they are important things and they are all positives. Giving all value and letting money rule your life is not a good thing but it will not become a devil in any sense.

sean c

hannah said...

This quote is undoubtedly true. Making money your God means making it your top priority and becoming almost obsessed. When someone becomes that focused on money, they start to ignore what is truly important, like friends and family. Money, although necessary in our society, is a superficial and material thing to idolize. Material things should never be made to be like a God because they are not genuine and can be taken away. When someone makes something material their God, they face losing so much more if that thing were taken away. Finally, people who worship superficial things, like money, can never be content; they will always want more. A person who makes money their God can never experience the happiness and contentment shared by others for whom money is needed in moderation to survive, but is not the central focus of their lives.

Unknown said...

Henry Fielding’s statement “Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil”, is definitely true. Once a person becomes so overly obsessed with money that it becomes their number one priority in life, they become very self centered and greedy. They begin to obtain stingy qualities within themselves and lose sense of what is wrong and what is right. If a person develops a serious obsession with making money, they will devote all of their time toward making money instead of spending time with the people who are dear to them. Loved ones will become forgotten worthless and will no longer be there for support in times of need. Money can also be the source of many problems in life. The necessity for money causes people to do drastic things in order to obtain it in any way that they can. Some people become so desperate for money that they resort to dangerous behaviors and put their lives and the lives of others in danger. Money can be very evil, but if humans are conscious of their priorities and morals they will avoid all evil that it could bring upon them.

Quentin said...

Henry Feilding's statement is true. When people devote themselves to gaining wealth, it can envelope them entirely so that money is the only thing they care about. Greed can arise from a desire for money, a desire which takes over the persons life. They forget about loved ones and their life becomes bleak. A person who's greed for money rules their life may resort to violence and crimes to obtain the money. It is not an entirely bad thing to want money because, after all, money is a necessity in today's society. Unfortunately, there are some people who treasure cash above more important things like their friends and family. An example is somebody who gambles their money away, and then their belongings, and then finally, their house. These are the people who put money before everything else in their life.

Unknown said...

“Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil”, this quote seems to be very much true. Money, to some, is a way of life. People who don’t have it want it and people who do have it want more of it. Or, if you have money you fear losing it. Money is like a drug, it’s quite addictive. However, unlike drugs, it is a necessity. Without it one finds him, well, nowhere. If you have enough money it is possible to over dose on it where your on the street stealing it from poor people when in fact you have so much money already you could open up several homeless shelters. Of course you could then seek redemption from money by using the “Opera” tactic. I.e. putting a large amount of money in funding a private girls school in Africa, or buying a bunch people cars (the choice is yours). Second point: If you don’t use the “Opera” tactic and not do anything charitable you will find your self feeling quite guilty, like stealing the last slice of pizza from everyone on the country guilty. If you don’t give back to your community no one will like you (the Ebenezer Scrooge tactic). Finally, money will blind you to the point where you lose all sight of love and friendship. All the great hero’s of the world have been poor: firemen, policemen, English teachers, Aladdin, Ralph, and Spiderman. And all the villains have been rich: Ebenezer Scrooge, the Montague’s and Capulet’s etc. If you are old and rich your most likely alone. Take Mr. Burns from The Simpson’s, he is depicted in a velvet bathrobe, sipping bourbon while staring at his fireplace alone. In conclusion, if you let money rule you will become addicted to it, feel guilty about having it and not helping anyone with it, and live alone and unloved.

Emma Cornell said...

“Make money your god and it will plague you like the devil” is certainly true. If you worship money and focus your whole life on it then everything becomes about money and even if you get money, happiness doesn’t necessarily come after that. An example of that could be movie stars. They make tons of money but many are doing drugs, and overdosing on the drugs; many on purpose. Also most people who care only about money make it their top priority and forget about what should really matter: family, security, and love. Many problems come from money. Crimes are committed for money and some people will do anything for money including killing someone, prostitution, and many other horrible acts. When people start to worship money they give up many things in place of something that is impotant, but is not the key to happiness.

Helen Dawit said...

This statement is certainly right because of experience from seeing others suffer when making money there first priority in life. For example when a person has a family and always spends their time at work and never with their family because of the money they get, eventually will separate them from the people that they truly love and make them act like they never knew each other when time goes bye. Another example is when a person gives their life to money, by doing anything to get it like selling illegal things and eventually regretting it because it lead them to spending their life in prison. The third example is when people get so committed to money that they have no person life what so ever, that really matters.

Unknown said...

Henry Felding's statement, "Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil", is true under some circumstances. For example, there are many necessities in life and money is certainly one of them. But one cannot forget the fact that money isn't the only thing that is necessary to surive. There is love, which is more significant than money because if on does not have, love, he does not have anything. People can just imagine the fact that without someone to love, one somtimes wastes his affection on money, which eventually backfires on him or her. An example of backfiring may be liability or debt. And that is what Henry Fielding is stating as the 'devil'.
- SP

Unknown said...

Henry Fileding's statement is both true and good advice. When you only cherish one thing all others seem obsolete. If the the thing you love i money, the more important things, happiness, loyalty, friendship, and love, all become irrelevant. This will lead to you being miserable and sad. Maybe even angry at yourself for your decisions in life. One thing that can plague people with money is how they use it. For example, once someone gains money, they might become miserly and be obsessed with never losing or spending any of it which can drive them to insanity very quickly or leave them starving and without a home a necessary comforts.Others may become obsessed with spending it. They love buying new things and might blow it all off at once leaving them penniless and on the streets. Money can also make people withdrawn and haughty,. They think they are better than other people and deserve to be at a higher status due to their money. That is money can plague you when you make it your god.

Unknown said...

The statement, "Make money your God and it will plauge you like the devil" is a true statement. When a person devotes all of their time to earning money, they will have no time for friends and family. With nothing but money there is little to be had but material possesions, wich can only bring so much joy. without the love of loved ones a person will become very lonely and unhappy.We can see this reflected in the character Scrooge from The CHristmas Carol. Scrooge puts all of his time into earning money and therefore is unhappy. However when he realizes the joys of family and friends he becomes happy.

Nathan said...

As said by Henry Fielding, and agreed upon by many students, "Make money your God, and it will plague you like the devil". For the majority of humanity, this describes it quite well. This has become true through the importance of this money for our society.

Ellen D said...
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Ellen D said...

The quote "Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil" is very true. People think that money means everything and without money they are nothing. In fact that is completely opposite from what is true because money can just make you greedy. Also, it makes you not appreciate what you have and you always want more things that you do not really need. Having a lot of money can get to your head and make you act like the devil by being rude or snobby.

Unknown said...

"Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil" is true. If people let their world and all their thoughts revolve around money, they will eventually become spoiled and self, and no longer recognize the difference between good and evil. If all people idolized money instead of God, there would be no existing love in the population. This would happen because families would stop spending time, holidays, and happy moments together, all because they have focused on money too much and it has taken over their lives. Another reason money can't be treated as a God is because when this happens, it blinds people to only see what they want for themselves, and all the lessons that have been learned about giving and being selfless, will have gone to waste. When people have become obsessed and loaded with money, the basic necessities of living turn into obvious things, but then with the money they buy things for themselves and others who can't afford or dont have this mentality are left behind taking care of themselves. For example, a character most people know is like this, Ebenezer Scrooge. For most of his life, all he knows is money because he doesn't have a family or friends to spend time with and see how there are more important things in life than what he knows. When you make money, you do need to use some for the basic living items, but when you have more than enough and start to worship it, is when you could be in trouble or be lead to the devil.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The quote, "Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil", is a correct statement. If one makes money their first priority, they will have nothing else. When money is your God, then you don't care about anything else, so therefore, no one will care for you. You will not be loved by any friends or family, because you will become obsessed with money, and this will make you a greedy person. Money is a necessity of modern life, but that does not mean, under any circumstances, that one has to put it their first priority, because then they will lose everything else. Also, if one makes money their God, then they may feel as though they have all the money in the world. Which may cause them to go out and spend every penny, and then they will soon realize they have spent all of it, and then become homeless and/or poor.

Ricky said...

“Make money your God and it will plague you like the Devil” is a true statement and can be proved through a literary work. For example the character Scrooge in the novel A Christmas Carol. The character Scrooge makes money his first and only priority. But by doing that he deprived himself of a family and love. Thus he tries to spread sorrow, to maintain and get money. But thing that he kept very well to his heart created greed, a greed that would almost lead to his death. The three Christmas spirits showed Scrooge his wrongdoing and that he would not be remembered and he will be disrespected in the future. Another example is that if you get caught all up with your money then you will develop greed and you will not be willing to share with one you care about. Also the reason you work and try to get money is to keep yourself and your family happy. If you have money but no one to share it with, you have an empty life. Money is something that if worshiped and only thought about by a person, it will plague you, by depriving you of love and affection.


Unknown said...

"Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil". These words are indeed accurate, and describe one of mankind's true illnesses. Worship, as a function of human life, almost always distracts from reality. Worshipping money is worse. If one's focus in life becomes the accumulation of wealth, then that person is ironically loosing sight of what money is supposed to be good for - a home, resources to live off of, supporting family, and giving attention to friends. Plus, these things cannot be bought back. Happiness will be lost. Also, replacing real goals with pure greed puts a person's mind and body in a bad place. It is simply unhealthy to constantly be in the process of trying to make more and more money. There is no breaking point, no amount will ever be enough - and this causes tremendous stress and can lead to various complexes. Should these undesirables not yet justify a "plague" from the devil there is also the tendency for money to fluctuate. Putting absolute faith in money is a recipe for disaster. The things you can count on in life should be what is important, not an unhealthy obsession which may prove to still leave its followers feeling empty. That would be because money cannot fill a void in one's life. Trying will only create the experience of humanity's inner evil.

Unknown said...

Henry Fielding's statement is true "Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil. This is true because you might over spend and lose it all to bills and impulse buying. Also the people who try to get a lot of money get it in various ways. Some of these ways are robbing, stealing and even killing for it. Some money is alright but wanting more than you need will get you into trouble because you think you have a lot until the bills start piling up and you spent it on something you didn't need. Greed for money is also what happens to people that want a lot and they will do anything to get money, sometimes ways that don't seem right. Just because you have money doesn't mean your better than some people and you shouldn't treat them any different than you would treat someone with money. So having money to survive/ get through the year is alright but having to much or wanting more money will make you be a different person and do things you never want to do. Sometimes these people get sent to jail, because they did something stupid for money

Unknown said...

Henry Feilding's statement of "Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil"(original post) is true. If one had made money their God (if they only trusted money), then that person will be brought much misfortune. One could say that because if one becomes obsessed with money, then that person will begin to go corrupt, and they will do almost anything for their beloved money. Another misfortune that will hover over that person is that other people, who know of that person's true colors, will avoid that person and stay away from them, thus the money obsessed one will become lonely and cold towards others. Yet another misfortune that may shroud that corrupt and lonely person is paranoia. With their paranoia, that person won't be able to leave their own house in fright that someone may break in and steal it while they are out. All of these possible outcomes can be associated with the devil's plague for all of them are undesirable and quite cruel.

Shayna Linov said...

It is understandable to want and value money highly. In today’s society money is necessary to get along well. However, it is important to know your values and be aware of how you are influenced by them. Many people would agree that love is essential in life, along with money. But most do not view them in the same way. When a person can experience what money can do for them, it is possible to get engulfed in the desire for it. It is useful, convenient and comfortable, and it can also be overpowering. When someone thinks only of money and how it can benefit them, they sometimes start to only think of it, and forget all other important things in their life. This is an unfortunate occurrence and when it happens, it can hurt other people. Money can be used to harm or help, and when people realize this, it is possible to be overused. There are many things money can do like “plague you like the devil” but and this happens only when it is something to be worried about, for example if there is not enough of it or it is not used correctly or smartly, and it is true that by making money the most important aspect of your life, it will act like a plague.

Megan said...

The quote “Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil” is an undoubtedly true statement. If you revolve your life around money, and the pursuit of getting it, then you will not know true happiness. Money obsessed people do not know what they have when they have the love of others with them, their lives are taken over by money. Some people become so obsessed with money that they have so much they won’t ever spend it. They save and save their money for their entire lives and there’s nothing more that they can do with it. They become so paranoid that they need to save their money, they push others away, and they don’t have any other loves but money itself. The money obsessed people will have no happiness, no love, and no fun in their lives because of their obsession. That is why the quote about money being the devil is true.

Unknown said...

This statement by Henry Fielding is downright true. "Make money your god and it will plague you like the devil" is agreeable because if you put money in front of everything like friends, family, and school then life wouldn't be fun or rewarding. Also you wouldn't be enjoying life because life would definitely get boring because you would keep doing the same activity every day that you do to make money and it would consume your life. Because that treating money like it is your God will give you a dull boring life, you will turn into a worse person. Also people whose money consumes their life tend to be snobbier because they won't have much of a social life and they will realize that money can't buy you everything. Money brings out the devil in people.

-Dylan B

hunter said...

Henry Fielding's quote "Make money your god and it will plague you like the devil" is true. When people become too greedy and only care about themselve they start to forget about the greater things in life, like love and friendship. Money can definetly help someone in this world but people tend to let their greed get the best of them. When someone becomes obsessed with money they tend to back away from their social life which can really backfire when you realize that your alone. It changes the way people think about what they used to like and hold dearist. - Hunter F

Anonymous said...

The phrase "make money your God and it will plague like the devil" was written by Henry Fielding and means if you devote your life to money then nothing positive will ever come of it and that bad situations and harsh outcomes will keep happening repeatedly. Henry Fielding is obviously a smart and educated man because his statement is absolutely and entirely true. For example, if someone went into a job not because they were interested in it, but because the job was paid abundantly, it is extremely likely that they would never be able to enjoy their work fully. If they never enjoyed their work they would eventually quit their job, therefore they would be out of money and only having studied that area, will in a dangerous situation. Furthermore, if some money obsessed person focuses only their wage they will never be able to fully appreciate all of the other things in life. For instance friends and family would ultimately leave you if you spent all your time devoted to money. Then without the people you cherish you would eventually be alone without any one to care about you if something were to happen to you. When consumed by the thought of money people often want to use their money to make it widely known that they have it. Most times one things turns into another which turns into another and soon enough your in a debt that you can't buy yourself out of and your money has lost you privileges.

Sarah said...

Henry Fielding's statement "Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil." is true. If someone were to just care about money, then they are wasting their life away. An example of a character that only cares for money is Scrooge from A Christmas Carol. He was a cruel and lonely old man; he was even alone on Christmas. When money is a person’s only desire then they push other people away including their family and friends. If money is more important to someone than having around people that care and love them, then that person isn't just missing out but does not know what it feel like to be truly happy. The happiest people are the people that are surrounded by their family and friends. These money obsessed people will also never experience real fun; all they will want to do is make more money. In the end all the people who only care and want money will never be remembered and will never live to their fullest potential.

Unknown said...

The quote "Make your money you God and it will plague you like the devil" by Henry Fielding is true. When someone makes money all they care about then that becomes their only priority. There addiction to having money will make them lose everything that’s important. Money only takes you to a certain place when something like friends and family will stay with you forever. Once you lose important things due to an obsession with money its hard to get them back. An example of only wanting money is when someone works too much just to get money that they don't need and miss out on being with family and friends. Losing all friends and family and becoming selfish will only cause a boring life. When making money more important than anything else, it will only cause harm.

Nathan said...

As said by Henry Fielding, and agreed upon by many students, "Make money your God, and it will plague you like the devil". For the majority of humanity, this describes it quite well. This has become true through the importance of this money for our society. An instance of which is in the film, "Pirates of the Caribbean", pirates who stole the gold are cursed for the rest of their lives. In a real life example, there is the supposed Buddah, who originally was one who lived by money.He didn't know another life, but when he found something else to believe and follow, and supposedly found the tree of enlightenment, he lead a better life, and was free of the curse. Finally, there are the many musicians who forgot about the music being why they did what they did, and let the money be more important. When some had the money and were famous, they thought they were passed the government and law, and got in trouble, others fell to thought that money and music just always went with drugs, and were cursed that way.

Katelyn said...

"Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil." said by Henry Fielding is true in many ways. A good example of a character that this quote describes is Scrooge from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. You can see this quote relates to him because he his rich, loves his money and doesn't give to the poor. He acts like money is his God and this turns him into like a devil toward the poor. When you are rich you often are tempted to spend the money, and when you spend too much money eventually you won’t have a lot any more then people start doing things they normally wouldn't. When people are rich they often only care about their money and not that much about their friends or family. Money can affect someone’s life in many ways.

Unknown said...

Fielding's statement, "Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil" is quite true. Even though Fielding died over 250 years ago, these words are as true in today's world as they were in the 1700's. Many of the financial problems that our country is currently suffering from can partially be blamed on the corporate greed that is so prevalent on Wall Street. Some people choose the almighty dollar above all. Money should be viewed as a means to an end, but for some, acquiring vast amounts of money is an end to itself. In his quest to achieve great wealth, Bernard Madoff ruined the lives of thousands of people and charitable organizations. A man of his standing could have improved the lives of countless people, but because he made money his God, he will be hated like the devil forever. The love of money can lead to much hardship. Many people are addicted to gambling and this addiction can result in the loss of their home, possessions, and more importantly their family. The gambler's quest for money will cloud their judgement on what is truly important in life. As people attend college, rather than choose a career path in an area that they may love, some choose a career based only on the amount of money they will earn. To be trapped in a career that you hate, but entered solely for the money, can be like living in hell. Money alone cannot bring you happiness.

Unknown said...

This statement is very true. When breaking down the saying, "Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil." The first thing you think of is the foil between devil and God. What i think this means is that if you care about money this much, and if you are always obbsesing over it, then eventually it will control life. Often in life the more you crave somthing the harder it becomes to get. As seen in William Golding's "Lord of The flies" as Jack craves power more and more it becomes harder for him to get the power he desires.


Laura said...

Money can overwhelm people. The more they get, the more they want. Henry Fielding's (1707-1754) quote "Make money your God and it will plague you like the devil", basically sums up what will happen to those who become obsessed with their wealth. This obsession of having money can be detrimental towards people because they will begin to do anything for money. Doing illegal or otherwise unflattering and out of character things for money can not only be lead to deep regret in the future, but you also loose a bit of your identity when you do them. If you identify yourself as a reputable person who has integrity then doing things out of your character for money takes away from that.
Furthermore if you become a blind follower of money you may never be satisfied with yourself or the amount of wealth you have obtained. People who believe money can buy happiness often wind up very unhappy. They think that they cannot rest until they have enough money, and in their opinion they will never have enough money. Their whole lives they wind up desperately trying to become richer, and by the time they die they have never truly lived a happy life and realized without constantly chasing after money.
In addition when people make money the center of their lives, they miss out on the other important things in life. They die old and lonely with nobody to care for them except the material items they have purchased and a load of cash and checks. There are so many more things in life to make somebody happy other than money. If money is the main focus of somebody's life they never witness or experience true happiness, they life has been wasted.