Thursday, November 6, 2008

Romeo and Juliet- Fate vs. Free Choice

The Prologue suggests that the relationship b/t Romeo and Juliet is destined for doom, and during Elizabethan times, people believed that the heavens, stars, and/or spiritual forces guided a soul, or human being towards their intended destination. Thus, the notion of fate. In our time, many believe that we have the power to control our own outcomes, and thus, change the course of own lives if we so desire.

Explain your own feelings about fate.


Unknown said...

In my opinion, fate is a myth and does not exist. It is ridiculous to say that if you want to make a change in your life that you can't do it. If you are doing bad in school, it is not because of fate, it is because of lack of trying or because of lack of belief in yourself. Anyone can do anything if the have the will to achieve and a good mindset.


Ellen D said...

Fate is a very debatable subject and people feel very different about it. I think that fate exists to an extent. I do not think that it controls your life or that it makes it so you can not do anything that you set your mind to, and you can not blame your own actions on fate. Also I do not think fate makes it so that you can not make any of your own decisions. You still have free choice but sometimes things are just meant to happen and that is what fate is to me.

Unknown said...

Fate is a very controversial idea, that has been debated for ages. Some cultures or groups of people believe in it, others denounce it. I don't believe in fate myself. MY life is how I make it, whatever events transpire because of me, are not fated, they are choice. There is no all powerful thing controlling my life, of that I am certain.

Luke D said...

In my opinion, fate does not exist. Everything that occurs and happens to us is caused by us, or is a of repercussion of an action. We control all of our actions, therefore, what happens to us is based on that. We are not controlled by stars or galaxies, it is our own doing.

Unknown said...

Fate is a word that can branch off in many different directions, especially when talking about someone's opinion. When i think about fate, i believe in it but only to a certain extent. Sometimes in life fate can drive us to places or people who we might not see ourselves with. This fate keeps us going but when it stops, it can bring to something that might have been inevitably predetermined. Fate can interfere with with life, but cant take over when you make decisions. Your choices i life are youre own decisions, and i would say that it rules out fate 50% of the time. Although as i say that, fate can absolutely take its course sometimes and end up how you would want. Lastly, foe example if your grades are going down in school, it isnt because it is because of the lack of effort or trying, that your grades come out like that. Fate has a lot of meaning, but this is what it means to me.

~Ani P.

Nathan said...
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Nathan said...

I believe we decide our own fate, but fate being how it ends, it is there. It is pretty darned controversial subject, because some religions are based on this. I do not think that it exist really as a predetermined thing, but is decided from our decisions in life, and the roads we take to get to that finish.
N. D. D. B.

Unknown said...

Fate has been a topic of argument and conversation for centuries. Personally, I do not believe in fate. I do not see how my life is being controlled in some supernatural way. I believe that our lives are controlled only by ourselves. They are our lives and our decisions and fate does not play a role in the decisions that we make.

Laura said...

I do not believe in the existence of fate. To me it is one of many concepts people fabricated to explain things they did not understand. They could not explain why things happened the way they did, or why things had unintended outcomes, so they conceived the concept of fate. I believe we are free to make our own decisions and fate is not responsible for their consequences. Outside forces may interfere with the effects of our decisions, yet it was not fate that brought them on, it was mere coincidence. I also think that fate can use it as a scapegoat. Such as if a person does something wrong or makes a bad decision, instead of taking responsibility for it, they blame it on fate. Even though there is no way to prove the existence or nonexistence of fate, I firmly believe there is no such thing as fate.

Unknown said...

Fate is a topic that many people are controversial about. I think that most people agree that there is no such thing about fate and that it is a made up idea. Although, I was brought up differently and my religion taught me to believe in fate. I have done so my whole life. I do not think that it is wrong to not believe in it but if I had to choose a direction, I would bias in my religion. The way I think of it, my life has been already planned, or should I say, destined to be what it is. I don’t believe that I can fight it or go against it. My opinion is that if you do something in life, may it be whatever, than you have been destined to do or accomplish it.
- SP

Megan said...
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Unknown said...

I think that fate does not control your life. There are some things in life that you can't keep from happening, like dying. I as well as the rest of my family do not believe that events in tour life are fated or "predetermined." For the most part, you control what happens in your life. Your life is in your hands. You have the power to change the course, or path that you are on. The choices you make affect waht you can do. The best thing to do is keep your head in the game. Remember, you can do anything you set your mind to.

-Natalia Duranceau

Megan said...

Many people have different feelings about fate and if it's real or not. I think that fate exists but the person whose fate is being determined has a say I where they want to go. I think that fate decides where you end up in life, but you control the steps to getting there. For example, fate doesn't tell you to get the winning lottery ticket; you decide that on your own. You start off on your own and then fate chooses where you’re going to end up. Each decision you make leads you to your fate. That’s how I understand fate.
-Megan =]

Helen Dawit said...

Fate can be a subject where there are many opinions and different perspectives on how people define it. My feeling about fate is that in some ways you can be able to change what will happen but you never know what the out come will be, for instants it might be the outcome you wanted it to be or the outcome that you didn’t want it to be. Either way there is a part that will always keep you hanging until the outcome has been revealed. For example, if you wanted to be an architect and while you were in the process of it you died from crossing the street to go to your school, then that would be a way of your actions bringing you to something that you didn’t mean to have happened. In this example fate had brought you to your death with the help of your actions because if you didn’t want to be an architect and didn’t cross that street then you would never be dead.

Ayumi Yoshida said...
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Ayumi Yoshida said...

I think fate does not exist. If you believe your self and work hard for your goals then you will be able to achieve something from working hard. For example there are two people who want to become a singer but you are really bad at singing. One of the people gave up because they thought it was their fate they will never be able to sing good. But on the other hand the other person practice's every day on singing. The person used to be bad but something might change.
- Ayumi Yoshida

Unknown said...

Depending on how you've been brought up, I believe that what you think about fate and souls and such can change from person to person. many cultures like the native Americans believed in spirits of the earth or other elements while other cultures like Christians only believe in one heavenly being, god. I personally don't believe in god or any type of spirit, but I'm slightly iffy on the thing about fate. what I mean is that some things like how well you do in school can be controlled by how hard you try, but some things, like a sun shower or a snow storm, you can't evade these types of things, and for things that you couldn't "dodge" what ever you did, I think were fated to happen, and so, they did happen. so, for some things, I think that fate isn't real, but for some other things, I think that it couldn't be avoided and hence, it was fated that it was supposed to happen.

Shayna Linov said...

To say that fate exists in your life is to say that you have no control over what happens. A mistake you made is not because of your own actions but because of a previously determined map of your life. Life should not be lived thinking there is nothing you can do to control it. It is important to know that many events in a lifetime were made possible because of personal actions or decisions. If someone has a life goal but believes that fate will just bring them to it, then they can never reach that goal. There will be no motivation to move forward to achieve it. Some small things may just happen but the largest events in life can only be because of our own efforts that lead us to success or failure.

Ricky said...

Fate is something that we can change through our actions. For example if someone is not going to get an award, they can change there fate by getting rid of the person his/she lost to. Fate is something that the world still argues about and has many ideas attached to it. Therefore fate is neither real nor unreal at the time. But I propose that fate is something that is real but can be altered to our will.

By, HS

Emma Cornell said...

To me fate is (to an extent) just an excuse for why some things happen. But maybe it is more, I'm not sure. If you are in the right or wrong place at the right or wrong time, that is not fate that is just good or bad luck. If you meet someone and get thrown into a position where you get to know them better that could be fate intervening or maybe just luck once again. I'm really just saying that I'm not really sure about fate but i don't think that if it did exist it would run our lives.

-emma cornell

hunter said...

I myself believe that fate is not real. People choose want they want to do you are never destined to do something. Everything happens by the way you act. For example if you fail one of your subjects that does not mean you are destined to be a fail the same subject for the rest of your school years. Through hard work and determination you can change a negative to a positive.
-Hunter F

Unknown said...

Like many others have said I don’t believe in fate. I think that it is silly to think that anyone but yourself could control your own future. The decisions I make are not controlled by fate they are decided on what i want or feel like. I believe that there are no upper force diciding things for me. Although something’s may happen that are weird they are caused by someone’s decision. Fate doesn’t decide your destiny you do.

Unknown said...

I believe that fate is nonexistent. The happenings in people’s lives are not a result of fate, but a result of the effort they put into the things they do. For example, if you study for a test or a quiz and work hard to make sure that you understand all of the information that is required to be understood, you will succeed. If you chose not to study for the test or quiz, your poor effort will reflect in an awful grade. You control what happens in your life whether you are aware of it or not.

Josh G. said...

Fate is word used to describe the notion that our paths of life and existence are somehow predetermined. The idea of fate, or some form of destiny, seems to be present in many cultures, suggesting that believing that things are already decided is tempting to human beings. Humans desire a sense of continuity, and the concept of fate gives comfort in that department. People don't want to be on the edge of time where things don't exist until they happen, people want to see the road ahead of them. They want to see that things are mapped out. At the same, however, people also want to believe that they control their own fate, that things aren't written in stone. These feelings seem opposite, and they are, but they both come down to how the individual feels. If you want to "write your own destiny!" then fate seems untrue, but if you need some security you can retreat to the idea that your life is already written so you don't have to worry.

Erik W. said...

Fate exists today, but it isn’t as profound as we’d think. A series of events where the outcome is already determined is basically what fate means. “Fate” happens all the time. When you’re in a plane, for example, and the engines explode, you will crash. It’s not a fact, but it’s almost impossible to land a plane without engines and not smash it in the process. Crash landings don’t count as landings, they’re just crashes where people survive. Fate is not as extreme as we think it is, but it does exist today. Sure, there aren’t stars determining what’s going to happen, but events can change and dominate the situation you may be in.

Quentin said...

I do not believe that fate exists. We make our own decisions, they are not decided for us in advance. Certain things like death will almost definitely happen because of scientific reality but there is the slightest possibility that we will achieve immortality before we all die. I think that my actions are decided by me and when something happens in my life it is a result of my actions.

Unknown said...

I do not believe in fate. I think that you make your own decisions in life and that although there are other things that can factor into the decisions you make it is not decided what you will do beforehand. You make your own choices based on your experience the situation and many other things, but before your decision is make no one or nothing can know exactly what you will do.
-Sam R.

Sarah said...

Fate is and isn't real. I feel that you always have two choices, and you can change your fate. In my opinon all things happen for a reason. Depending on what you choose your fate will change. I do also feel that your life is mostly up to you, but things do happen for a reason.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion fate is not real. I do not believe that any supernatural forces effect our lives. The events in our lives are not predetermined by anything. I believe the actions that people do causes things to happen. I think that so long as you set your mind to something that it can happen and if you think that fate is holding you back, then you are obviously not trying hard enough. I do not believe in fate, but that is just my opinion.

Unknown said...

I believe that fate exists in a very small way, but for the most part people make decisions to put them in the places where they are today. I also think that you have the most control over where you end up and the decisions that you make, but fate will sometimes help put you somewhere or with someone that you may not have anticipated to be or to be with. But overall I don't think fate has much effect on people, it's more of their own choices and things they do that put them there in life.

Unknown said...

Fate is a very big idea. You can chose to believe in it or not. In my opinion fate is not real because you can do whatever you want and not let anything tell you otherwise. If you believe in fate you don't have any choice and this will ruin you and your life because your believing in nonsense. Also if you believe in faith it might be part of your religion, but i personally think fate is not real.

Manny Morais said...

I have two very different oppinions of fate depending on my mood. If for example I got a bad grade on my repprt card I will just tell myself not to worry that things will workout as planned. If for example I got straight A's on my report card I will completely forget about fate and hold myself acountable for the outcome of events. I will conclude with my oppinion on fate is undecided.

Unknown said...

I truly do not believe in the term of fate. If everything that we are going to do in the future is already determent what is the point of living. If you don't believe in fate, then you can work hard at something to change the outcome. If everything that we do today has no relevance because the outcome of our life is already decided, then why do we try so hard to succeed.

Dylan B.

Diwesh Poudyal said...

Fate to me is just and idea in people's mind that does not really exist. People believe in fate because sometimes they think good can happen to them but they also blame fate for the bad that happens. Everything and all rewards are given through hard work and effort and nothing else. Everyone has good and bad moments or events but it is unreal to think that all of it was worked out much earlier then when the event occoured. Fate to me is the result of hard work.

haley said...

Your life is not guided by fate, it is guided by what you make of yourself. Although somethings in life are just meant to happen that doesnt mean that fate controls your life. When you are born, you are not born into a person who has a decided life. You make your own desicions, for the good or for the bad. These important desicions you configure and actions you choose to show, make your life the way it is, not fate. I do believe fate exsists but i also believe that it doesnt control your whole life, you do.

-Haley C.

Unknown said...

I do not believe that people are controlled by fate. One of the definitions of fate is "that which is inevitably predetermined." If our fate was truly predetermined then my grade in English would also be predetermined; so it wouldn't matter whether I did my assignments or not. That obviously isn't true. Every action that we take or don't take affects our future. Although there are many forces in the world that are out of our control, we can control our own reactions to them. Some people blame fate for the poor choices that they've actually made themselves. It's easier to blame someone or something else for the mistakes that we've made ourselves. As Shakespeare once
wrote, " The fault... lies not in our stars, but in ourselves."

- Chris

Derek Richardson said...

I believe fate is just a state of mind that some people get in when dealing with difficult to understand situation. This is often referred to in a way to give meaning to certain things, and/or events. This is very unrealistic because their is no fate forcing me to write this right now, it is just me choosing to out of my own free will and not the will of an unseen force.

clare said...

Fate is decisions and happenings you can take control of in your life. For example, if you are deciding on going to a college and you choose a school for a specific reason, which is a path in choosing your fate. Your fate changes down the road when major decisions occur. Your life changes everyday, and when your life changes your fate changes. The impact on of fate has changes our world.

- Clare Morris

Jacob said...

I believe that fate is an interesting concept. I personally don't agree with fate because I don't think things are predetermined. In my opinion your future is dependent on the choices you make. I think it is ridiculous to say that no matter what choices you make your life will not change. That is like saying you might be a Harvard professor even if you drop out of high school. I understand that people could believe in fate especially because it could be very reassuring to think that even if you make some big mistakes you will have a great life. I do believe that occasionally things are fated to happen but overall life is built on the choices you make.


Danielle Gervais said...

Fate can be interpreted multiple ways. It can be your future destined to be from before you were born, and nothing can change it. Or it could be a for sure fact or a future happening from a particular happening or event. I believe that your actions can cause something to happen. Almost like an action reaction sort of situation. However I do not believe that you life is planned out accordingly and theres nothing you can do to alter it.

Unknown said...

I'm going to be blunt with you, but fate is just a stupid way of saying that you don't know how to control yourself. Thus, you fabricate a way to explain something. For example: how you have good reflex's. You have good reflex's because your brain works at a more sensitive way. So, it can be explained its not fate. Otherwise, everything is determined by the Elders.

Unknown said...

Fate is an interesting subject to think about. On the on hand you cannot control your future but on the other hand some people believe everything happens for a reason. I think what happened in the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare was because of fate. Isn’t the whole point of two people being star- crossed lovers mean fate brought them together? However, I am not saying everything in life happens because of fate. For example: if you choose to eat pizza for dinner instead of pasta it does not mean fate wanted you to. It just means on that particular night you craved a pile of cheesy, saucy goodness served on a plate instead on in a bowl. Fate, in my opinion, only controls very important matters like love.

hannah said...

I personally don't believe in fate, but it can be interesting to think about certain elements of it. First, I believe mostly that we are free to make our own decisions and affect our own futures, but then again, one can argue that anything is fate. You can make your own choice about something, but someone can still say that you were fated to make that choice. However, most people view fate as an external force, and if that is true, then I believe that we have the internal power as humans to overcome that and make our own destiny.


Katelyn said...

I personally do not think that fate exists. I think that you should be able to chose what you want and how you want your relationship to be. I like it now how we/ well at least most of us can choose our fate. Fate use to depend on what our parents thought, and who our parent like, but now its up to us.