Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Big Question

What is the nature of human conflict? In a short response post your answer under "Comments". Also, cut/paste your answer to be able to bring it to discuss in class Tuesday.


Unknown said...

The nature of human conflict is disagreement. When people disagree about something, they start to fight, and that is human conflict about whether to do this or not. Human conflict can also start from one person's greed. If one person is too greedy and they want to have more of something, the other person they are with may object to giving the greedy person what they want, and that could make even more human conflict. When someone accuses someone else for doing something bad, the accuser and the accused end up in conflict, one saying the other did something when the accused actually did not do that and denies it. So no matter how you or anyone ends up in human conflict, it always comes down to disagreement. So denying or refusing will or may cause human conflict, and that human conflict can be traced back to disagreement.
- Yuma G.

Josh G. said...

The nature of human conflict is the human inability to accept that one's "gut feeling" beliefs may not be true and that someone else's might actually be correct. Human conflict is the result of a person's thought process in which he or she sub-consciously decides that his/her belief is the absolute right one, and then justifies it with pre selected evidence afterwards. This sets the stage for two people who have different pre-conceived ideas that may directly contradict each other. So a conflict is born and anything from hurt feelings to a full fledged war is possible. The nature of human conflict is, in essence, the nature of human beings.

Mr. Kendall said...

The nature of human conflict is strongly associated with a person's identity. Identity determines our relationship with the world, as well other people, and allows us to make enemies with others who do not conform to our sense of self. Therefore, identity allows us to develop an attitude of them and us. Us, being people like ourselves, and them, people who are different in one way or another. Religion, country of origin, color of skin, political views, and even a team we support could lead to conflict. The simple division allows us as humans to declare someone as different, and thus can create an attitude that promotes humans to engage into conflict because of the subtle differences. An excellent example would be a man was stuck in traffic in Boston (go figure) and had NY license plates on his vehicle. A few young Red Sox fans saw him in traffic and started yelling profanities at him and his family associated with Yankee baseball. When the man left his car to attempt to quiet the vagrants, he was brutally assaulted with a baseball bat for no apparent reason other than his plates on his car. The above example illustrates the need to find or declare an enemy to define our identity, and demonstrates an aspect of the nature of human conflict.

Mr. J Kendall

Unknown said...

The nature of human conflict is power. Power does not necessarily mean “taking over the world”. Power is sometimes used to say the right to make a decision that will influence certain people or society. In such cases, politics is an example. Two major candidates are currently running for President of the United States. Who ever turns out to be victor will enforce decisions that will impact the people that live in the United States. These two candidates are speaking about the pros of themselves and the cons of the other. Both want to succeed and make sure that the other goes below them. Sometimes, power is talked of in the physical way. In these cases, age becomes a difference. If a senior came to a freshman and asked for some money, the freshman’s first thoughts would probably be, “I really don’t want to hand over my money but this guy is a foot taller than I am so I think I’ll give him what I have.” That situation gave the senior a bit of an advantage which influenced the freshman to cooperate. Along with the other human conflict out there in the world, power seems to be one of the major conflicts.

Unknown said...

The nature of human conflict is greed. No matter where you are or what era of time you are talking about, greed will always influence the decisions made by humans. Many wars are started over greed. One side wants more land, the others says no, this is ours, and so the conflict begins. Everyone is greedy even if it is only a tiny bit or insignificant part of your personality. Greed starts conflicts on personal levels as well, not just large scale conflicts between nations. The best example is wanting something someone else has. In the book, The Pearl, by John Steinbeck, The main character, Kino finds a humongous pearl the size of a seagulls egg. The whole village turns against him because of their greed. Even some of his former friends, a priest, and the hobos turned against him. The nature of human conflict is greed.

Emissary666 said...

The nature of human conflict is based in pride and greed, to use biblical terms. Humans will fight over whether they think that they are right or if they want something some else has. Many wars have been started over wealth, land, and/or power. These conflicts end when either the aggressor obtain the item of their obsession, or if the defender can repel off the attacker. Conflicts over pride are far worse. A conflict over pride is often longer and carry more malice. A conflict over pride is simply one of pure hate. The aggressor believes that the defender has either insulted them or is defying their views, such a thing is more sensitive a target than ones greed. But, fight it as we might, humans are based in "sin", the "seven deadly sins" define human nature, and the "seven heavenly virtues" defy it. But, conflicts are not started over the "virtues"; they are started over the "sins". it is impossible to completely repress human nature and because of this, there will always be conflict as long as the human is independent in thought.

- Sam B.

Emissary666 said...

The nature of human conflict is based in pride and greed, to use biblical terms. Humans will fight over whether they think that they are right or if they want something some else has. Many wars have been started over wealth, land, and/or power. These conflicts end when either the aggressor obtain the item of their obsession, or if the defender can repel off the attacker. Conflicts over pride are far worse. A conflict over pride is often longer and carry more malice. A conflict over pride is simply one of pure hate. The aggressor believes that the defender has either insulted them or is defying their views, such a thing is more sensitive a target than ones greed. But, fight it as we might, humans are based in "sin", the "seven deadly sins" define human nature, and the "seven heavenly virtues" defy it. But, conflicts are not started over the "virtues"; they are started over the "sins". it is impossible to completely repress human nature and because of this, there will always be conflict as long as the human is independent in thought.

- Sam B.

Unknown said...

The nature of human conflict is when people quarrel, or have a different opinion, between each other or even when one person has a conflict between himself or herself. A conflict between many people could be caused because they have different opinions or thoughts, or they have a different way of living and they do not agree with another human. When a single person has a conflict it is when they have two choices and they do not know which one to do or agree with because there is pros and cons for both, or basically your conscience.

Unknown said...

The nature of human conflict is greed, all humans want certain things, when one person wants something generally another wants the same thing. Sometimes there is enough for every body but when there isn't
there will be a conflict, if both parties want the same thing and if neither is willing to give it up they will argue or fight and their will be conflict. Both parties believe that they deserve whatever they are arguing about and generally will not give up unless they have a reason to, such as their opponent can either hurt them in some way or has convinced them to give in.
Sam R.

hunter said...

The nature of human conflict is jealousy. Jealousy in society sparks endless compitition amongst the human race. When people engage in jealous behavior unecessary power struggles are created. Therefore, power is misused and it becomes an advocate of conflict.
Without jealousy power can be a positive influence on society. Jealousy fuels unnatural behavior and therefore creates human conflict.
- Hunter F

Unknown said...

The nature of human conflict is never agreeing on each others idea. When people don't share their ideas then other people will say their idea is better because you didn't share your idea with them. Then people start to fight and argue about with idea is better, then there comes the conflict part. The people will start yelling at each other maybe a the start getting physical with each other. The start getting physical and who ever wins that fight, they can say their idea is better. So if you share your ideas human conflict might not exist.

Sarah said...

The nature of human conflict is caused by a disagreement. When people disagree both want to state they're own opinion and always think they are right, thus it starts a conflict. Disagreement is one of the big ones but a conflict can be caused by many things, maybe, crazy enough, by saying something nice about someone. The nature of human conflict can be very confusing at times, others it's obvious why it starts
-Sarah Keenan

Unknown said...

The nature of human conflict is a disagreement when people fight with one onther or themselves, or have a different opinion about a certain situation. These conflicts are usually started when one person accuses or blames someone for the start of the conflict. A conflict between people can occur when they have different thoughts, feelings, or opinions with which they dont know what to choose. When humans have a conflict there is usually two paths they can take to solve the problem. When people are trying to make this decision, they have to think about the ups and downs(aka. pros or cons). This would help the outcome, but sometimes it ends with an agreement between them or it will end with questionable feelings towards the situation taking place.

Ani p.

Katelyn said...

The nature of human conflict is when people don’t agree or have different opinions on something. Conflict means to disagree, fight, ideas colliding opposites. And when you make it a human conflict it means you it is like a conflict between two people. So a human conflict is when two people argue with in them self or against someone else.

Unknown said...

The nature of human conflict is a huge argument. People usually fight over things causing conflict. People can cause conflict because of their attitude towards another human being. They might do this because that person is different or they just don't want to like a person. Also greed is a major factor of human conflict. For example someone could have a greed for money starting conflict. The nature of human conflict is an on going disagreement.
-Dylan B.

Ricky said...

The nature of human conflict is when a disagreement has occurred. When some one doesn’t agree about something, they start to fight, about whether this person is right or wrong. Also human conflict can be caused from, conflicting beliefs background. It’s like if two students that have been taught how the earth came to exist. One student came from a very religious group and was taught that the earth was created by God. Another student was taught that the earth was created through the “Big Bang”. Now we have two different opinions that radically differ, witch leads to human conflict.

-Harmanpreet Singh

Isaak said...

The Origins of Human Conflict Isaak Osterbur
All conflict, whether international or personal, is caused by lack of resources. Jealousy and hatred are interchangeable concepts. In the Iraq War, President George W. Bush’s goal was not a war on terror but a fight for oil rights. It was expected that if the war was successful, gas prices would drop significantly. In another war in the Middle East, Bush’s father drives the Iraqis out of Kuwait. His motives were as much about oil as they were about defending our allies. Kuwait was only an ally because of its rich oil fields. In both those cases, the U.S. needs oil and another country has it. Our lack of oil resources encourages us to fight. In Africa, wars and violence are even more common. Most African countries lack stable economies and are subject to over population. It is human nature to invade other territories when resources are limited. This problem could probably be solved by adequate birth control, schooling and a stable economy. Humans were originally hunter gatherers and as such when populations could no longer be supported by resources within their territory, if this territory was contested, they would fight for it. War is a larger scale version of the same basic idea. Whether the war is won or lost, the problem of limited resources is solved. Should the war be won, more land is available for cultivation. Should the war be lost, the population is reduced. Once population reaches critical levels the war is resumed. It was much the same in Europe during the dark ages.

haley said...

The nature of human conflict is having different oppinions from one another. Every person is entitled to their own oppinion. When people with differentiated oppinions clash this can cause human conflict. Having your own oppinion makes you individual, meaning others will not always follow what you believe. Humans will tend to disagree with your ideas because of the way they think. When these ideas are brought into public there will always be disagreement. These disagreements would be humans believing that one idea is better than another. It could also be humans agreeing with one idea because they believe it over powers the other one. These disagreements which cause conflicts are all caused by the different oppinions of the human society.
-Haley C.

Shayna Linov said...

The nature of human conflict has to do with different points of view. The reason there would any kind of conflict between people would be because they don't agree. A person's point of view could depend two different things: the decisions that are influenced only by their own thoughts (their nature) and the thoughts influenced by their surroundings or environment (nurture). This could also be called perspective. Someone's perspective on a certain matter will influence which side of the conflict they will be on, or if there will be a conflict. If a person was taught that stealing was bad while growing up, then they would most likely be opposed to stealing in a conflict. As an adult, most people tend to have the perspective they had as a child. Also influence from peers and the environment effect how people make choices. These are examples of nurturing but decisions people make are balanced by influence from others as well as personal preferences which can lead to disagreements or conflicts.

Ellen D said...

The nature of human conflict is a strong difference in an agreement. For example when a student is trying to explain their answer to a question to another student they often disagree. Both students will usually think they are right and will naturally try to support their answer. Another human conflict is a friend accusing their friend of doing something; the other friend might say that they did not do what their friend is accusing them of. In this case, the friends could fight with each other denying that they are wrong. No matter how you slice it the nature of human conflict is when people do not agree with each other.
-Ellen D.

Chris said...

The nature of human conflict is the fact that people are different. We all have different values and beliefs. Often our beliefs can be in conflict with another culture's beliefs. For example, during the Spanish Inquisition, the Catholic Church tortured and killed people who did not share their religious beliefs. Even today there are religious groups that have little or no tolerance for other beliefs. Other conflicts arise from one group trying to control another. Many countries try to expand their power by colonizing other parts of the world. This lead to conflicts between the mother countries and their colonies. Even children fight with each other for control of the sandbox. The world is just a bigger sandbox.

Unknown said...

The nature of human conflict stems from one person trying to exert their power over someone else. Humans are not that different than all species of animals. Being humans, we are able to deal with conflict, or able to solve it in more sophisticated ways. But in reality, human conflict is not much different than that in the animal world. Human conflict is created in most cases by one trying to dominate the other, each believing their position is superior or right.

-Kevin C.

Megan said...

The nature of human conflict can be a few different things. The nature of human conflict is a power struggle. When people think that they are right, and they truly believe it, there is almost no way to change their minds unless proven wrong. The power struggle between two or more people leads to disagreements, which lead to fights and maybe worse. Human conflict is also in the beliefs of different groups of people. For example when the Israelis and the Palestinians break out into war, it’s because they were taught to believe that the other was bad. Human conflict can also be the fact that we don’t want to share. When toddlers start to talk they yell “Mine!” they don’t want to share anything that belongs to them. We naturally don’t want to share. The sharing problem can make us mad and the people around us mad. That could lead to fights, and depending on the people, maybe even wars.

Unknown said...

The nature of human conflict is the differences in personality, views, and opinions. If one person has a different personality from another, personalities will often clash and can lead to conflict. The same goes for different views. For example, in religion, each religion has different beliefs and values. These values are diverse from one another and can cause people to fight to protect their beliefs. Finally, dissimilar opinions cause human conflict because some people might refuse to accept and tolerate another person's ideas. All of these factors contribute to the complexity of human conflict.

Unknown said...

The nature of human conflict is competition and trust. People have many goals in life, and what most often happens is that more than one person goes for the same goal. Unfortunately, most goals are limited and people will have to use any tactic they know that will get them towards that goal. Some people desire to have as much as the goal achieved as possible, regardless of what will happen to anyone else. Others will try to compromise over their similar goals and share them accordingly. These kinds of bonds mean that people share and acknowledge others ideas and feelings into their own account and be able to work together against both of their competition. Being trustworthy with someone else means you respect the other's ideas, possesions, and desires and help the other so that the other person can do the same for you. Disagreements or disrespect can break the trusting bond between people and make them rivals or competition against their similar goals again. By being trustworthy to others, people can have an easier time against their competition, especially in higher numbers.

Quentin said...

The nature of human conflict is a difference of opinion. This leads to a necessity to exert power over the other person by forcing them to agree with your view or interpretation. The other person usually disagrees and even may exaggerate their point. Retaliation from both people escalates into a heated argument. Differing views are the basis for any sort of disagreement and because every human has differing views, conflict is inevitable.

Ayumi Yoshida said...

The nature of human conflict is that persons environment they grew in. If you have no siblings then some people might have a different opinion then you who have siblings. A person who was an orphan and a person who grew up in a happy home well have different personalities. Some people might have the experience of something very important to them taken away. From that persons personality some people may just consent the situation and just let it go. But some people won't because of the environment they grew up in. This is where all that jealousy, murderous intent, and hatred comes from.

Luke D said...

The nature of human conflict is the essence of who you are, relating to both your philosophy and your personality. The philosophical bit is what you believe in, and what you stand for. The religion you are part of, the clubs that you belong to. However that alone does not cause human conflict. Your philosophy, in conjunction with your personality will cause the conflict. If your personality is one where you will stand up for and argue about your beliefs, when you come in contact with an individual that has opposing beliefs, there will be conflict. In addition, your environment can be a part of it as well. If you are somewhere that you are not, or dont think you are welcome, that could cause disagreements as well.

Derek Richardson said...

The nature of human conflict is the egos of two people colliding and no matter how the argument falls someone is always left being wrong and this creates anger and they may feel as if revenge is necessary and this creates even more conflict and so on, it begins an endless cycle that has replayed its self through out history over and over again.

Erik W. said...

The nature of human conflict, I believe, is “want” or envy. Want is one of the most basic human instincts, as we need to eat, need shelter, and try to avoid danger and protect our offspring or group. Throughout time, humanity has had conflicts based on want or envy. Early man fought over resources, for example, a watering hole. One man or group could drive off another group to secure the water necessary for survival. The group that was driven off might come back with sticks and drive the first group off. This situation is hardly different than today where people are fighting and dying in Iraq over oil. We want the oil and they have the oil. So we fight for that resource.

Envy becomes a cause of conflict when basic needs are met, but you decide that the cave next to you has a better view than yours, and you fight the inhabitants for the chance to live in that cave.

Then the “nature” or aspect of the conflict becomes one of degree; rocks and sticks, planes and guns, or nuclear missiles. Through time, man has created more efficient means of waging conflict. People may fight for who deserves respect, power, resources or money, but the motive remains the same. We want it, we try to get it, and we meet resistance, so we fight for it. It may not make it right, but it’s the way things have happened, and sadly will continue.

Emma Cornell said...

Human conflict arises from disagreements. Some major sources of conflict are property, ideas, race, and religion. Human conflict over property has been going on for many years. When the American settlers came, they forced the Native Americans out. Today states are fighting over water, because they just don’t know how to share. In Israel, the Palestinians and the Israelis are fighting over Jerusalem and the West Bank, which are both holy places for each religion. They both think that their religion is superior and that the other religion should just give up their holy city. If they could learn to share then there wouldn’t be so much conflict. In America, everyone has different ideas. The presidential election is a way to show your ideas and vote for who has many of the same ideas as you. A little less than 150 years ago the Civil War was fought partly because some people thought that people of different colors couldn’t live together live together. We now prove though that they were wrong and that sharing can sometimes be successful.

Emma C

Unknown said...

The nature of human conflict is narrowmindedness. People have one thought and that thought is the only possible answer to the question in their mind. Another person may have a different view on the situation and express their thpughts and somebody else will disagree. When both sides in and argument believe that the solution that they have thought up is correct and they will not except any other answer, thoughts collide and there is conflict. The only way to end human conflict is to be oopen minded and except many sides of an argmuent. So in the end, narrowmindedness is the nature of human conflict.

Diwesh Poudyal said...

The nature of human conflict is brought up through differences. The most common and the leader to war is religion and race. Religion and race tells a lot about a person or a group of people and others simply cannot accept that. But big disagreements can also be started through small differences. In that case, the opposing person is just not accepting and thier goal is to put the person/group of people down or to make enemies with them. The nature of human conflict is not too hard to avoid though it will surely continue on forever.
- Diwesh Poudyal

Helen Dawit said...

The nature of human conflict is when two people disagree over something. The way that people express there ideas about those things shows there identity and how they see things. Two people that are stubborn or greedy might argue more than two that are more peaceful and giving. For example, if those two people that are stubborn and greedy were fighting over how the gas prices in the United States would be handled, they would probably go on and on about what they thought and never want to listen or understand the other persons idea because of there greediness. On the other hand the two people that are peaceful and giving would take turns listening and understanding what they where saying to each other.
So the nature of human conflict mainly depends on how the people act and see things in life.

hannah said...

The nature of human conflict is misconception and defiance. When two parties disagree, they both think that they are right, and refuse to see any other side of the argument. In many cases, two parties refuse to make peace because they both think that the other side won’t listen, and each side is waiting for the other side to make the first move. Most of the time, neither side will compromise because they see it as a sign of weakness, and neither side wants to be seen as the weak side.

Laura said...

People's differences are the nature of human conflict. People naturally believe their beliefs, and their perspectives are right, but people all have different beliefs and perspectives, so because everyone thinks they are right, there is naturally conflict between people. When two people, with different beliefs on a subject matter both believe that they are right, they will naturally believe the other one is wrong, therefore producing conflict. People with similar beliefs often group together (countries, regions, religions, cliques, etc.), but there is always conflict between these different groups of people. There is also conflict within the groups, causing the groups to branch out into more groups. This pattern will always continue to repeat, because no two people are exactly the same and over time, conflict will always arise from their differences.

- Laura S.

Anonymous said...

The nature of human conflict is individualism. Everyone has different opinions, which means there will probably never be a time when everyone agrees on something. Since there will never be a time when everyone agrees on something that means there has to be a disagreement. A conflict. People are all different because everyone has different thoughts on different ideas. No two people are the some. Human conflict is normally associated with anger or selfishness, but there can be conflicts that are not based on anger or selfishness. For example there could be two friends trying to decided what to get a third friend for their birthday. They disagree on whether to get a necklace or a bracelet, the conflict isn't an angry one nor is it a selfish one, they simply have two different opinions. Human conflict's nature is to be a human, which is to have a different opinions.

Danielle Gervais said...

The nature of human conflict is the differences in different people's opinions and personalities. Everyone has their own opinion, and opinions can vary. Some are different, some similar, and some the same. Human conflict occurs when peoples beliefs or opinions are different. Also, some people feel more stronly towards their beleifs and opinions, which causes intimidation. One person may feel intimidated and wrong about a statement, then give in and agree with the other person, but they really don't agree with them. That could be human conflict.

Unknown said...

The nature of human conflict is difference of opinion. People are entitled to their own opinions thus causing conflict between one another. Humans have their own thoughts and ways of doing things, sometimes people agree, and sometimes they disagree. Everyone has different beliefs, backgrounds, and religious views. People don’t always understand one another or why they think and feel the way that they do about certain things. No one is brought up the exact same way, or shares the same past experiences as anyone else. This causes people to think in different ways, uprising into an argument. When most people feel that they are right, they do not like to believe otherwise.

Manny said...

The nature in human conflict is different opinions. If two people have a different opinion most of the time people can't except that the other person doesnt agree with them and a fight starts. If two politicians disagree a war can start. Another nature of human conflict is greed. In the old times kings used to start wars just to get land. In conclusion I don't see a solution to human conflict in the near future because people to stubborn to accept that people have different views than them.

-Manny Morais

Quentin said...

The nature of human conflict is the desire to be superior. The wish to be the
best can result in wars, but it can also be positive. In some ways conflict is necessary for advancing human understanding. For example, the desire to be superior can result in competition, which is often the driving force behind creating new and better products. If everybody were happy with cell phones the way they were when they were first invented, we wouldn’t have small, powerful phones with cameras, text messaging, calendars, email, gps – most of the capabilities of a small computer. You could even say that conflict makes people smarter.

Unknown said...

The main reasons conflicts arise is because people have a disagreement. In the literary world there are many different kind of conflicts. Person vs. person, person vs. self, person vs. nature, and person vs. society. Person vs. person is when two people have a conflict with each other, like soldiers on a war. Person vs. self is like when you can’t decide to get pizza or a corndog for lunch. Person vs. nature is like walking through a hurricane. And person vs. society is like a democrat going to the republican national convention. In the real world people have conflicts over religion, land, opposing views and fear. Conflict over religion is like the war in Iraq. Conflict over land is like the revolutionary war. Conflict over opposing views is like Obama vs. McCain. In almost every book, story and play ever told all conflicts are resolved by the end. I have hope that one day all the world’s conflicts can be resolved.

Mikahla said...

The nature of human conflict is the need or want to be dominant over another person. Conflicts arise when people get into disagreements or arguments or fights, and if neither chose to back down and both want to prove their point, they are both trying to dominate over the other. This ends with either one being defeated or one backing down into a more submissive position. That may sound a little more harsh then most human conflicts are, but it really is the way that it works. All conflicts arise based on some disagreement in the beginning, but the only reason that they are carried out or exist at all as a conflict is because of all parties in the conflict wanting to prove their dominance. For example…if one boy had an apple and another boy took the apple this is a conflict. If the first boy took it back he would be dominating over the other boy, and if he let it go then he would be allowing the other boy to dominate over him. If they got into an argument or fight over the apple, then they would be fighting for dominance.

sean said...

I think that Human conflict is a combination of greed and identity. Greed can be a big factor. This is because greed sparks a hate or a desire to do wrong which will be the cause of conflict. Identity can be a cause of conflict because it can bring up differences in opinion from past experiences. I like if one person has grown up there entire life believing that eating meat is bad and then goes of too college with someone who goes hunting regularly then this could be a spot of tension which could evolve into conflict.

-Sean Connolly